Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has so many health benefits and amazing properties. Like many other superfoods, it’s as good for your ‘outsides’ as it is for your ‘insides’!

Internally, coconut oil is a good source of healthy fats and is good for the nervous system, digestive system, heart, skin, brain function and metabolism. Many nutrients are dependant on fat to be successfully absorbed into the body (these are known as ‘fat soluble’ nutrients) so it’s good to have some fat content in your meals to make sure you are getting all of the benefits from your good intentions.

I add a tablespoon of porridge into my porridge, spread it on rice crackers as a snack (I’m aware that sounds a weird thing to do but it’s delicious), or put it in smoothies. I also use it for cooking just about everything as a preference over other oil’s – both for savoury food and any occasional baking. Coconut oil doesn’t denature (go toxic) at high temperatures as a lot of other oils do.

Externally, use as a moisturiser or hair mask, and protect yourself against both weather and sun damage; It’s solid at room temperature but once on your skin it turns to a liquid oil amount instantly.

The other thing i use use coconut oil for is ‘oil-pulling’ which involves you swishing it around your mouth, teeth and gums for detox and healing benefits from its antibacterial and antiviral properties. If you don’t like the smell or taste you can get a deodorised Coconut oil… but to me it reminds me of holidays and sunshine which mentally and emotionally is another bonus!

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