21 Apr

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has so many health benefits and amazing properties. Like many other superfoods, it’s as good for your ‘outsides’ as it is for your ‘insides’! Internally, coconut oil is a good source of healthy fats and is good for the nervous system, digestive system, heart, skin, brain function and metabolism. Many nutrients are...
21 Apr


Bright red in colour – the colour of blood! Pomegranates are full of wonderfully protective nutrients for the heart and blood vessels (similarly to blueberries). They are anti viral, anti bacterial, anti inflammatory and shown to be a powerful protector against certain cancers such as breast and prostate. Pomegranates are thought to have a...
21 Apr


Popeye started the craze! Some people might say kale has the nutritional edge on spinach but I personally prefer the taste of spinach, whether it’s cooked or raw in salads – I love the variety of things you can do with it! Green leafy vegetables are a power pack of nutrients and spinach is...
21 Apr


Avocados are an amazing food and I personally can not imagine life without them! They are what I’d call a ‘complete food’ as they’re good for everything; incorporating a good source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals which provide an endless list of benefits including aiding digestion, the heart, skin, brain, metabolism, and...
21 Apr

My Top 5 Superfoods

It’s important to incorporate a variety of superfoods into your daily diet; and when I say variety, I mean variety in terms of everything from colour to type! If you’d like to find out more about this check out my ‘Superfood 101’ blog here. At the moment, my top 5 superfoods that I couldn’t...
21 Apr

Superfoods 101

This week, I thought I’d tell you about the importance of superfoods and my personal favourites! Let’s start with… What are Superfoods and how would you know which ones to you choose? A Superfood is a food that has vast nutritional components that ‘feed’ your body with vital things it needs to allow it...
08 Apr

Be a Wellbeing Warrior with Toxicity

Our level of health and wellbeing is really governed by our level of toxicity. We’ve all heard of toxins but do we understand what they are? When we talk about something being ‘toxic’, we understand that it’s damaging or even poisonous. We create some toxins INSIDE our bodies and some we take into our...