
Power and control go hand in hand – we can have ‘power over’ someone which is usually not a good thing especially if it’s used to manipulate a person or situation for the good of ourselves at the expense of others.

Like smells or taste, some people can be over powering.

Where we need to focus our control is on our own power – we need to take our power back from places, people, beliefs that make us feel insecure and lacking in some way.

Notice the phrase ‘taking our power back’- rarely will someone give you your power back, it’s up to you to find the strength to ‘own’ your life and take responsibility for where your energy flows. If it flows to resentment and bad feelings about another person or perhaps helplessness because another person is not providing you with what you need emotionally, you will haemorrhage energy – your energy will drain away from you to that other person.

By accepting the past or what has happened and learning the lessons and moving on, richer for the experience, you will grow in strength, no longer will any person or situation have power over you, you will decide where you put your energy.

The journey from Victim to the Victorious is a glorious and empowering one.

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