
Hope….what an essential.

Hope is the anchor that keeps us ‘hanging on in there’ to life sometimes. The opposite of hope is hopeless….hopeless is beyond sad, it is resigned and flat, joyless and it weakens our whole energy field.

Having hope is a lifeline when the going gets tough, in our everyday life it is warming and reassuring.

When life is hard hope can almost seem as a fantasy or a dream but what it does is keep the door open to positive outcomes, it’s almost like a goal to work towards, without it the spirit fades and will power disappears and the dull face of resignation wipes your smile away.

A life without hope is poor and empty. Hope lights the way for your dreams to find you and for you then to have a light to live them by. Hope has a childlike nature but it is not childish, far from it, it takes a strong mature person to maintain hope. It requires focus and the courage to be open and vulnerable.

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