Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) – it sounds like something from a horror movie right from the word go.

You’d be correct if you are picking up at this early stage that as a ‘Wellbeing Warrior’, I’m not a fan of GM foods! In fairness there are levels of GM and some seem relatively harmless, for instance, changing a plant’s genetic code to shortening the length of straw (for varieties of grains, wheat or barley) to stop it being blown over in bad weather – that doesn’t seem too sinister. Other GM adaptations have far more long term damaging ramifications to the planet and everything on it – humans, animals, insects, and plants alike.

There is an argument that we need to manipulate nature and the crops we grow to feed the world – I don’t buy that… but I don’t want this to become a political rant… we’ll stick to the health and nutrition aspect of what we are doing here.

In Europe we are not allowed to grow GM crops but they do grow them in the US and obviously, a lot of our food comes from there, so some of it may end up in our shopping baskets. Most Soybeans grown in the US are GMO, so watch out for Soya products (including Soya Milk) and look for the ‘NonGMO’ reassurance.

So aside from potentially destroying the natural world, GM food is not as nature intended it to be – ‘Frankenstein food’ is a mystery to the body, if you eat GMO foods the body is wondering two things:
1) ‘What is this?’ and
2) ‘How do I deal with this?’

There is a lot you can read on the damaging effects of GM foods if you are interested, but the point is – it’s not what we were designed to eat. We were wired for nature’s bo… natural foods, that’s what our bodies know and recognise and can digest and absorb. Technology has moved on at an alarming rate over the last 100 years but our bodies have not changed much. We can adapt, and we do adapt but slowly. Biologically we are not up to speed to cope with the ‘foreign’ foods and the toxins that our technological age has produced.

If you were to give a machine a different type of fuel to burn you would have to modify the engine to allow for the change. I don’t know much about cars but I do know that my diesel engine requires the correct fuel and the correct oil otherwise it won’t work properly – in fact with the wrong fuel the engine won’t run at all.

Our bodies are much more forgiving than you car engine – they will keep running on the wrong stuff for a long time but eventually the telltale signs will start to show – we lose our vitality, we develop aches and pains, stiffness, headaches, immune malfunction, digestive discomfort, brain fog, then more serious diseases.

We are learning all the time from the natural world and marvelling at its intelligence and yet feel we can manipulate and tinker with it and that ‘it will all be alright’.
We are only seeing some of the damaging effects to our health and within our bodies… and to the animals and insects that are so important to keep a balance on our planet.

What we have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg.

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