Fruit and Vegetables…. natures nurturer’s!

In those rare spaces in our lives, when we may get to have a deep and meaningful moment and think about the complexity of the Universe, the meaning of life and the workings of the amazing machine that is our body, it is understandable that we might feel a little numb and powerless to comprehend how it all works. I think our confusion is a symptom of our modern world…. we’ve been distracted by ‘the bigger, better, faster’ way of life, those concepts now seem alien for us to relate to – way too ‘out there’ and so we have lost touch with ourselves being a piece of the puzzle of life and lost touch with our innate instincts….as a result we have compromised our basic needs and understanding of them. I know this is reading like the beginning of a philosophical debate but my point is….WE HAVE FORGOTTEN OUR FUNDAMENTAL BIOLOGY. Let’s go back in time……. There was not a design fault when we were created, we were not set up to fail…..we were not meant to develop sick minds and bodies. We were given the environment, skills and tools, to not just survive but to positively thrive. All around us were the foods to nurture the body. Our bodies, our cells, are made of the elements that are in nature… they’re in the soil, in the air, in water and in the food that the EARTH produced. All we had to do was catch it, pick it, pull it out the ground, eat it and so replenish ourselves …….Foods rich in thousands and thousands of wide ranging nutrients tailor made to fuel all the different parts and functions of our bodies…..there they were, in the raw, vine ripened, fruit vegetables and berries…..the old fashioned ‘fast food’…..these were plentiful and designed to be our main food group….. simple. Super simple! How have we lost touch with this colossal knowing! If we want to fuel our bodies for health and optimum performance, if we want to protect ourselves against this sea of degenerative diseases that we are living in now, then we need to go back to basics, we need to nurture our bodies on foods that will allow for repair and renewal of cells, foods that will give the body the physical/chemical elements necessary for making hormones, new skin, digestive juices, blood, lubricating the joints, healthy genes etc. These functions in the body are NOT made possible from the elements that make up refined, man-made, artificial, chemical foods…….these ‘new’ types of foods are toxic and over a period of time make sick, tired, diseased bodies and minds. Your body today is made from the foods that you have put into it over the last few days, months and years. When you are young your body has a reserve of enzymes and good stuff that keeps you fit and strong for a while – like a seed that has a reserve of essential ‘goodies’ that allows the plant to develop into a young sprout (even sitting on a piece of tissue on your window sill). The young seedling will perish if it’s not given some good compost to further develop….it runs out of ‘fuel’. We are the same, we seem to be able to get away with denying the body nutrients when we are young (although if we could see inside the body, the neglect is evident) but as the years tick by the nutritional deficit takes its toll. The wonderful thing is that when you put your trust back into nature’s finest you don’t have to worry about how much and which vitamins and minerals you need each day….it’s all done for you. You just need to have a wide range (different nutrients are in the different colours of fruit, vegetables and berries) and have them daily, and that way, you let your body decide what it needs and allow it to do the myriad of job’s it’s perfectly capable of doing!

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