Number 1 Tip for improving your Health

Eliminate or cut back as much as you can on white refined SUGAR in you diet.

Nutritionist Mark Hyman and others I have listened to call this substance ‘White Poison’ or  ‘White Death’. There are no redeeming features to refined sugar, not one single reason for ingesting it (other than you like the sweet stuff) and no benefit what so ever to the body. When you need something to boost your Blood Sugar levels, there are other perfectly healthy natural substitutes that will do the job… e.g. a Banana,  some died fruit (dates, figs, apricots), a handful of nuts (preferably unsalted), a smoothie or a couple of oat cakes. I am very used to the need of a quick fix in that department, something to just tide you over until you can get at something a bit more substantial and I always keep supplies of some of the above mentioned in my handbag, car, gym bag etc!

Sugar is far more sinister than most people realize, it’s not just ‘empty’ (no nutritional value) calories but it actually causes damage to the body.

Refined sugar is different from natural fruit and vegetable sugars and whole grain carbohydrates. When you eat sugars in the natural state they are slowly absorbed into the body because of all the fibre. The breakdown of the fibre means a more steady slow release into the blood steam. Insulin is the hormone that deals with sugars in the blood stream and when refined sugar is just ‘dumped’ into it, the Pancreas (which produces the Insulin) has to work very hard and over a period of time becomes exhausted and eventually packs up, this results in Diabetes.

Also, excess sugar  contributes hugely to making the body acid, this is bad news, the body likes to be alkaline to function. If the body enviroment becomes acid, the body is on red alert – it’s survival is threatened and so it leaches minerals from the bones (calcium etc) to make it alkali again, this can results in Osteoporosis. The body considers continuing vital bodily functions of the organs such as the brain or the liver more important than the continuing strength bones so it will transfer nutrients to the most vital place to correct its self and survive – clever isn’t it?

As if that wasn’t enough, this acidity causes inflammation in the body which is the root cause of degenerative disease, resulting in (in brief)

DNA damage – Cancer

Cardio Vascular damage – Heart Attacks, Stroke, etc

Nervous System damage- Dementia, Brain Fog

Joint Damage – Arthritis

Soft Tissue damage – problems in the organs and muscles… too many to mention.

Respiratory System – Bronchitis etc

Hormonal System – this effects everything!

Any ‘…itis’  that you can think of is down to inflammation in the body.

The most powerful food group for keeping the body alkali are Fruit and Vegetables, they contain the nutrients to do the job… simple.

So… ’OUT’ with manufactured sugary poison and ‘IN’ with Mother Natures finest !!

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